Saturday, November 1, 2008

Riding Camps at Team J in the coming holidays

If you are thinking of coming to a riding camp at Team J in the coming holidays, email me for a booking form. We can put you in a group to suit you, or you can bring a friend. The camps are held on Monday Wednesday and Friday of each week of the holidays. They go from 9 to 3. Bring you lunch and drinks, sun block & swinmmers, in case you would like a swim.
Camps cater for all ages and standards and we always cover a wide range of learning activities as well as 2 lessons each pr day. Some students choose do their EFA Introductory Riding & Horse Management Certificates during camp attendance. Call me if you would like to discuss camp attendance- Chrissie 0412405079 For more information on Team J see our website http://www.teamj,

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